Saturday, September 17, 2011

Can Heartburn Happen During Pregnancy?

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Heartburn is a burning sensation in the chest caused by reflux of acid from the stomach that is usually due to a dysfunctional Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES). However, during pregnancy, heartburn happens not because the LES is dysfunctional, but, primarily due to the increased level of progesterone released by the placenta. Progesterone helps relax smooth muscles, such as the LES, that causes the acid to backflow from the stomach to the esophagus; thus, producing heartburn. Another contributing factor is the fetal growth; as the fetus grows bigger, the pressure on the abdomen increases contributing to acid reflux which results to heartburn.

Though heartburn may be inevitable in pregnancy, it is important to minimize its effects to lessen the discomfort.

- Eating small, frequent meals should be advised. Big meals would help increase the pressure in the stomach, aggravating the heartburn
- Highly acidic foods should be avoided because this increases the risk of heartburn
- Mentholated foods should be avoided because it helps relax the already relaxed LES, increasing the tendency of heartburn
- Caffeinated drinks decrease the pressure in the LES resulting to heartburn
- Alcohol consumption should be stopped because alcohol relaxes the LES causing the gastric contents to backflow to the esophagus
- Spicy foods should be avoided because these increases gastric acid secretion
- Carbonated drinks should be avoided because it distends the stomach which increases pressure to the LES allowing backflow of the partly digested food (chyme)
- When bending, it is important to follow proper body mechanics by bending the knees instead of the waist. This prevents increased pressure in the stomach.
- Avoid eating one to two hours before bedtime to prevent backflow of the chyme
- Sleep with the head of the bed elevated to decrease the risk of reflux
- Smoking should be avoided since it precipitates heartburn

For relief of Heartburn, physicians may prescribe medications that are safe for pregnant women. Antacids that contain magnesium hydroxide or magnesium oxide are proved to be safe for pregnant women. These act to neutralize gastric acid, decreasing pain.

However, pregnant women should bear in mind that they should not buy over the counter antacids because some antacids are not safe for pregnancy. Antacids containing Aluminum can be very toxic to the fetus. It may cause irreversible damage to the baby. Aspirin and aspirin-containing medications should also be avoided during pregnancy because these may increase the risk for bleeding.
It is important to note that pregnant women should be careful on whatever medications they take because these may damage the fetus. At all instances, it is important that they should consult the doctor first.

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