Monday, September 19, 2011

Menpora: Persiapan SEA Games Sesuai Jadwal

MedanBisnis – Jakarta. Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga (Menpora) Andi Malarangeng mengatakan hingga saat ini segala persiapan SEA Games ke-26 yang akan digelar November mendatang sudah mengalami kemajuan sesuai jadwal yang direncanakan.
"Persiapannya sudah berjalan sesuai jadwal baik penyelenggaraannya maupun penyelenggaraan kegiatan pengorganisasian," kata Andi usai rapat di Kemenko Kesra tentang persiapan pnyelenggaraan SEA Games dan Paragames 2011 di Jakarta, Selasa.

Dalam rapat tersebut tiga hal yang dibicarakan yaitu mengenai sukses penyelenggaraan baik dari tuan rumah di Jakarta, Sumatera Selatan maupun tuan rumah Paragames di Semarang.

Selain itu juga dibicarakan sukses prestasi dan sukses mendorong perekonomian masyarakat.
Terkait persiapan sarana pesta olahraga terbesar di Asia Tenggara itu, Menpora menyatakan semua berjalan sesuai kemajuan yang diharapkan yaitu ada yang lebih cepat dari jadwal namun ia mengakui masih ada sekitar lima persen kekurangan.

"Semuanya bisa selesai tepat waktu paling tidak Juli atau paling lambat Agustus sudah selesai dan dapat diuji coba," tambah Andi.

Mengenai penyelenggaraan kegiatan pengorganisasian sudah berjalan dimana padqa 25 April mendatang akan diluncurkan 200 hari "Countdown" menuju Sea Games. Sementara menjelang seratus hari kegiatan tersebut akan digelar kirab obor.

Disamping itu, juga dibutuhkan 15.000 sukarelawan untuk melayani para tamu peserta pesta olahraga terutama para pelajar yang mampu berbahasa Inggris. Pada Sea Games kali ini, Indonesia menargetkan menjadi juara umum meskipun diakui andi bahwa untuk meraih prestasi tersebut cukup berat. "Kita pasang target dulu dan kita usahakan dengan kerja keras, hasilnya kita lihat saja nanti," ujar Andi.

Gelar Kejuaraan
Sementara itu cabang olahraga (Cabor) yang dipertandingkan pada SEA Games ke-26 November 2011, harus melaksanakan kejuaraan untuk melihat kesiapan dalam penyelenggaraan pesta olahraga se-Asia Tenggara itu.

Ketua Bidang Pertandingan Panitia Daerah SEA Games, Jumadin Syafril usai rapat kepada wartawan di Palembang, Selasa mengatakan harus melaksanakan pertandingan itu sesuai permintaan panitia pusat dalam hal ini Inasoc. Setiap cabang olahraga yang dipertandingkan pada pesta olahraga dua tahunan mendatang harus melaksanakan ujicoba melalui kejuaraan, ujar dia.

Menurut dia, kejuaraan yang dilaksanakan harus berstandar internasional supaya diketahui kesiapan baik pelayanan maupun venues SEA Games tersebut. "Silahkan kejuaraan apa saja yang penting sudah berstandar internasional," katanya.    

Kejuaraan itu tidak lain untuk melihat kesiapan panitia, termasuk peralatan pertandingan yang akan digunakan untuk pesta olahraga internasional mendatang, kata dia. Dikatakannya, dalam ujicoba melalui kejuaraan tersebut pengurus besar cabang olahraga akan hadir langsung termasuk pengurus tingkat Asia untuk melihat pelaksanaan pertandingan tersebut.

Sementara mengenai pembiayaan sendiri akan ditanggung panitia SEA Games pusat dan pengurus provinsi cabang Olaharaga hanya menjadi penyelenggara. Menegenai pembiayaan tersebut Inasoc telah menganggarkan dana Rp150 juta percabang olahraga dan bila itu kurang bisa diusulkan penambahan, kata dia, begitu juga bila lebih harus dikembalikan.

Mengenai kejuaraan itu dilaksanakan mulai Juli hingga September 2011, kata dia. Zupaini M Ropi, Sekretaris Pengprov PASI Sumsel mengatakan, pihaknya sudah siap melaksanakan kejuaraan dan tinggal lagi menunggu venues selesai. Begitu juga peralatan harus terus dipantau supaya benar-benar sesuai standar yang dibutuhkan, tambah dia

Menpora Jamin SEA Games Berlangsung Sesuai Jadwal

KBRN, Jakarta : Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga Andi Mallarangeng menjamin bahwa SEA Games ke-26 di Jakarta dan Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, akan berlangsung sesuai jadwal. Kekhawatiran bahwa SEA Games akan ditunda, bahkan dibatalkan, karena kesulitan dana tidak akan terjadi.
Hal itu diungkapkan Menpora Andi Mallarangeng disela-sela puncak Hari Olahraga Nasional, Haornas di Tennis Indoor Senayan Jakarta, Jumat (9/9), sekaligus menepis isu penundaan bahkan pembatalan SEA Games yang sempat mencuat di tengah Rapat Dengar Pendapat Komisi X DPR dengan Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga serta Indonesia SEA Games Organizing Committee (Inasoc).
Menpora Andi Mallarangeng pun mengajak seluruh element masyarakat tanah air agar mendukung terus para atlit Indonesia yang kini sedang melakukan persiapan menuju SEA Games ke-26 tahun 2011. Target Indonesia, untuk meraih juara umum dan sukses sebagai tuan rumah harus diwujudkan pada bulan November nanti.
"Di depan kita ada Sea Games dan Asean Para Games 2011. Sebagai tuan rumah,  kita semua beserta para atlet indonesia bertekad untuk menjadi yang terbaik dengan menjadi juara umum. Mereka semua sedang melakukan berbagai persiapan untuk meraih prestasi tertinggi. Mari kita dukung mereka untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi bangsa dan Negara." Ujar

Pesta Olahraga multiivent dua tahunan Sea Games ke-26 tahun 2011 akan berlangsung di Jakarta dan Palembang tanggal 11-22 November 2011.

Menpora: SEA Games Tetap Sesuai Jadwal

Jakarta, (Analisa). SEA Games 2011 terancam diundur lantaran terkendala masalah dana. Namun, Menteri Negara Pemuda dan Olahraga, Andi Mallarangeng menegaskan bahwa SEAG XXVI tetap diselenggarakan sesuai jadwal.
"Tidak. Tidak ada (rencana diundur)," cetus Andi ditemui usai puncak acara peringatan Hari Olahraga Nasional (Haornas) XXVIII di Tennis Indoor, Senayan, Jakarta, Jumat (9/9).

Indonesia didaulat menjadi tuan rumah SEAG 2011 yang digelar di Jakarta dan Palembang pada 11-22 November mendatang. Sayangnya hingga saat ini, Indonesia SEA Games Organizing Committee (Inasoc) sebagai panitia pelaksana nasional masih kesulitan mendapatkan dana.

Terlebih, dana itu sebagian besar berasal dari pemerintah melalui Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara (APBN) dan Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara Perubahan (APBNP) 2011. Untuk itu, pemerintah diharapkan mempercepat penerbitan Keputusan Presiden (Keppres) Nomor 3 Tahun 2010 yang sudah direvisi.

Pasalnya, salah satu klausul tambahan Keppres tersebut diharapkan bisa memberikan kewenangan pada Inasoc untuk melakukan tugas sebagai panitia pelaksana nasional. Menyikapi hal ini, Menpora langsung mengambil langkah kongkret guna membantu Inasoc mendapatkan dana lebih cepat. "Kemarin, saya sudah bertemu dengan Seskab (Sekretaris Kabinet, Dipo Alam) untuk membahas mengenai payung hukum tersebut. Habis (peringatan Haornas) ini, Sesmen (Sekretaris Menpora, Joko Pekik) juga akan bertemu dengan deputi beliau (Seskab) untuk membahasnya," urai Andi.

"Intinya adalah pencairan dana bisa dipercepat melalui payung hukum yang sah. Nanti akan ada pembicaraan langsung juga dengan menteri keuangan. Mengenai payung hukum yang diminta DPR kemarin, saya sudah bertemu dengan Menkumham," tambahnya, seraya menuturkan hasil Rapat Dengar Pendapat (RDP) dengan Komisi X DPR, Kamis kemarin.

Rencananya siang ini, lanjut Andi, sekretarisnya juga akan menemui Menkumham untuk menindaklanjuti penerbitan Keppres yang sudah direvisi. Hal itu demi percepatan pencairan dana, mengingat Inasoc berharap dana tersebut turun paling lambat 15 September mendatang.

Sea Games XXVI Sesuai Jadwal, Inasoc Berwenang Kelola Sponsor dan Bebas Tender

JAKARTA – SEA Games XXVI Jakarta-Palembang dipastikan terlaksana sesuai jadwal pada 11-12 November 2011. Kepastian itu diperoleh menyusul keluarnya peraturan presiden (perpres) yang memberikan kewenangan kepada panitia pelaksana (Inasoc) untuk mengadakan barang dan jasa tanpa tender. 

Presiden juga mengeluarkan keputusan presiden (keppres) yang memungkinkan Inasoc menjaring dan mengelola dana non- APBN seperti dari sponsor, tiket, dan merchandise tanpa memasukkanya terlebih dahulu ke kas negara. Bersamaan dengan itu, dana penyelenggaraan SEA Games sudah dapat dicairkan. Penggunaannya akan diawasi secara ketat agar tidak disalahgunakan. 

Hal itu diungkapkan Juru Bicara Kepresidenan Julian Aldrin Pasha, Menkeu Agus Martowardojo, Menpora Andi Mallarangeng, Menko Kesra Agung Laksono, Wakil Ketua KPK M Jasin, Sekretaris Kemenpora Djoko Pekik, Ketua Umum Indonesia South East Asian Games Organizing Committee (Inasoc) Rita Subowo, serta Kepala Disorda DKI Jakarta Ratiyono, secara terpisah di Jakarta, Jumat (16/9).

Payung hukum yang baru dikeluarkan presiden adalah Perpres No 59 Tahun 2011 tentang Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah dan Keppres No 27 Tahun 2011 tentang Perubahan Kedua atas Keppres No 3 Tahun 2011 tetang Panitia Nasional Penyelenggara SEA Games 2011.

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Panitia SEA Games Gerak Cepat

JAKARTA - SEA Games (SEAG) XXVI/2011 akan dilaksanakan sesuai jadwal bakal jadi kenyataan. Ini menyusul telah terbitnya keputusan presiden (keppres) dan peraturan presiden (perpres) untuk memayungi kinerja Indonesia SEA Games Organizing Committee (Inasoc). Yakni, Keppres No 27/2011 yang merupakan perubahan kedua dari Keppres No 3/2010 dan Perpres No 59/2011 yang merupakan perubahan dari Perpres No 54/2010.
    “Keppres dan perpres baru ini jadi payung hukum yang diinginkan Inasoc untuk mensukseskan penyelenggaraan SEA Games,” terang Menpora Andi Mallarangeng di kantornya, kemarin (16/9).
    Dua payung hukum ini untuk mempercepat penggunaan dana SEA Games XXVI karena event dua tahunan tersebut menyisakan 56 hari. Keppres No 27/2011 memberikan kewenangan pada Inasoc menggunakan dana seperti dari sponsor, cendera mata, dan tiket. Sedangkan Perpres No 59/2011 mengizinkan Inasoc melakukan penunjukan langsung mengingat pelaksanaan tinggal 56 hari. Keduanya ditandatangani Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) pada 15 September.
    Namun, tidak semua keperluan Inasoc bisa memakai mekanisme penunjukan langsung. Kemenpora akan membentuk tim verifikasi. Sesuai ketentuan dalam perpres, tim terdiri dari Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa (LKPN), Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP), Kejaksaan Agung, Kemenpora, dan unsur terkait. Tugasnya, mengawasi proses penunjukan langsung pengadaan barang/jasa yang dilakukan oleh Inasoc biar transparan dan akuntabel.
    “Inasoc tetap yang mengusulkan daftar barang dan spesifikasi, karena merekalah yang lebih tahu kebutuhannya. Tim akan menelaah apakah daftar kebutuhan barang/jasa yang diajukan oleh Inasoc layak dilakukan penunjukan langsung,” ungkap Andi.
    Ketua Inasoc Rita Subowo menyambut baik kabar gembira ini. Selanjutnya, pihaknya akan mengumpulkan semua pengurus besar biar siap secara pelaksanaan. Terutama menyiapkan apa saja untuk menyambut keluarnya keppres dan perpres baru ini. “Ini angin segar. Kemarin kita pesimistis, sekarang bangkit kembali rasa optimis. Namun, ini kepercayaan yang harus diantipasi. Ini merupakan tanggung jawab besar sehingga perlu dilakukan penuh kehati-hatian,” ujar Rita.
    “Tim verifikasi akan sangat membantu. Mereka akan memberikan panduan dan juga mengawasi teknis pengadaan, seperti melebihi harga pasar. Kami juga meminta bantuan Unit Layanan Pengadaan Kemenpora untuk melakukan pengadaan barang/jasa,” terang Rita Subowo.
    Terpisah, Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu) Agus Martowardojo mengungkapkan, Kementerian Pemuda Dan Olahraga (Kemenpora) akan didampingi tim asistensi untuk memastikan penggunaan anggaran yang dikeluarkan. “Tim asistensi ini memberikan masukan-masukan,” kata Agus di kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, kemarin (16/9).
    Tim asistensi itu beranggotakan gabungan dari beberapa instansi. Antara lain Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/ Jasa Pemerintah (LKPP), Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP), dan Kejaksaan Agung. “(Tim asistensi) ini yang akan melakukan review,” ujarnya.
    Tidak hanya dari tim asistensi, meski tidak terlibat secara langsung, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) juga akan ikut mengawasi proses pengadaan untuk event SEA Games dan ASEAN Para Games itu. Wakil Ketua KPK M Jasin, mengatakan, pihaknya akan memantau dari luar proses tersebut. “Cara pengawasannya, tidak perlu menongkrongi prosesnya langsung,” katanya di Gedung KPK.
    “Justru kita menunggu dari luar. Kalau ada laporan penyimpangan, kita intip (cek, red),” sambungnya. Menurut Jasin, pengadaan dengan penunjukan langsung memang dimungkinkan tentu dengan mengacu pada kriteria yang ada dalam perpres.
    Seperti diketahui, Presiden SBY akhirnya meneken dua aturan untuk mendukung pelaksanaan SEA Games dan ASEAN Para Games 2011. Dua produk hukum itu adalah Keppres No 27/2011 yang mengatur tentang pengelolaan keuangan dari sponsorship, tiket, dan sumber lainnya yang sah. Kemudian, Perpres No 59/2011 yang mengatur tentang pengadaan barang dan jasa melalui penunjukan langsung.
    Terbitnya perpres mengenai penunjukan langsung itu akan mengecualikan ketentuan mengenai pengaturan barang dan jasa yang diatur dalam Perpres No 54/2010 tentang Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah.
    Garansi bakal siapnya anggaran semakin jelas setelah Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran (DIPA) APBN Perubahan 2011 untuk SEA Games dan ASEAN Para Games sudah terbit dengan diteken oleh Menkeu, tadi malam. Kepastian itu disampaikan oleh Pelaksana Harian (Plh) Sesmenpora Djoko Pekik Irianto melalui pesan singkat kepada koran ini. “Alhamdulillah, DIPA-APBNP 2011, sudah diterbitkan malam ini (tadi malam, red),” ucapnya.
    Dengan kepastian tersebut, Djoko memastikan kekhawatiran-kekhawatiran mengenai pengadaan dan pendanaan bakal terhambat tidak akan terjadi lagi. Dia optimistis target agar SEA Games Palembang-Jakarta sukses dari sisi prestasi, penyelenggaraan, dan perkembangan ekonomi tercapai.
    Pada 2011 ini, total anggaran pemerintah yang dialokasikan untuk penyelenggaraan SEA Games mencapai Rp1 triliun lebih. Rinciannya, Rp674 miliar di APBN 2011 dan Rp690 miliar dari APBN-P 2011.
    Meski jumlahnya cukup besar, kualitas SEA Games dipastikan tidak bisa semaksimal seperti yang dibayangkan saat pertama kali panita penyelenggaran SEA Games (Inasoc) dibentuk. Pasalnya, anggaran yang diajukan harus mengalami beberapa pengurangan. Selain itu, pencairan juga sempat cukup sulit sehingga berimbas lambatnya pengadaan dan pembangunan venue.

80 Persen APBD-P Kota Palembang untuk SEA Games

    Sebagai panitia hospitality, pemkot terus berupaya memberikan pelayanan yang baik kepada para tamu dan peserta SEA Games XXVI. Salah satunya dengan menyiapkan sarana-prasarana dan infrastruktur yang dibutuhkan.
    Wali Kota Palembang Ir H Eddy Santana Putra MT, mengatakan, sebagian besar anggaran pendapatan belanja daerah perubahan (APBD-P) Palembang 2011 dialokasikan untuk mendukung suksesnya pelaksanaan SEA Games pada November mendatang. “Sekitar 80 persen untuk SEA Games,” ujarnya, kemarin. Ditambahkannya, APBD-P 2011 sebesar Rp1,960 triliun, meningkat sebesar Rp288 milliar dari APBD Induk Rp1,671 triliun.
    Namun, sambung Eddy, berbeda dengan pihak provinsi dimana anggaran dialokasikan ke venues SEA Games, dana APBD-P Palembang diperuntukkan bagi pembangunan sarana-prasarana dan infrastruktur seperti pembangunan dan perbaikan jalan.
    Ada juga penambahan lampu jalan, perbaikan trotoar dan program sejumlah instansi yang ada. Namun, jelas Eddy, saat ini seluruh sarana prasarana umum di metropolis telah tersedia.
    Di Kota Pempek telah berdiri tiga mal besar, yakni Palembang Trade Center (PTC), Palembang Indah Mall (PIM), dan Palembang Square (PS) Mall. Begitu juga sarana penginapan. Sejumlah hotel berbintang berdiri megah di Bumi Sriwijaya.
    Namun yang paling penting, yaitu tersedianya listrik dan sarana air bersih. Saat ini, hampir di seluruh wilayah metropolis, dimana sekitar 90 persen warga kebutuhan air bersihnya telah dilayani oleh Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Tirta Musi.
    Sementara itu, Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) Palembang Husni Thamrin menegaskan APBD-P 2011 dinilai ideal. Kenapa? Jumlah belanja langsung (BL) untuk Barang dan jasa Rp1,005 triliun lebih besar dibandingkan belanja tidak langsung (BTL) untuk gaji pegawai yakni sebesar Rp973,177 miliar.
    “Dari kondisi anggaran belanja tersebut menunjukkan bahwa belanja langsung melampaui belanja tidak langsung, itu bagus,” ungkapnya. Lebih besarnya BL dibandingkan BTL berkat keberhasilan pemkot mengelola keuangan daerah.
    Dijelaskan, peningkatan APBD-P terjadi karena adanya peningkatan pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) sebesar Rp345 milliar. Sumbangan paling besar untuk PAD berasal dari pajak daerah. “Selain itu, kita juga terus melakukan efisiensi anggaran sehingga dana yang dikeluarkan benar-benar bermanfaat,” tukas Husni.

Indonesia Aims to Succeed at the 26 th SEA Games

Indonesia has every reason to succeed at the 26 th edition of the Southeast Asian Games slated Nov, 11-25. Hosting the Games in 1997, Indonesia came away with the outstanding achievement of winning 194 gold medals, 101 silvers and 115 bronzes. That was the last time Indonesia topped the medal standings before showing a continuously disappointing performance, at least until 2007.

Having improved its ranking from fifth place in the 2005 Games in Manila to third in the 2009 Games , Indonesia hopes to bring back its old time glory in the upcoming event to be held in Palembang and Jakarta. “The SEA Games will be a milestone of the awakening of our sports. Let’s work together to win back what we used to have, the overall champion title,” said Rita Subowo, Chairwoman of the Indonesia SEA Games Organizing Committee (Inasoc).

Indonesia's road to redemption was started with selecting the events that Indonesia feels they are competitive.

For that, the Indonesia SEA Games Organizing Committee (Inasoc) will propose a list of 536 events in 43 sports for approval to the other ten participating countries during a two-day SEA Games Council Meeting in Bali, Feb.25-26.

If approved, the Games is believed to be the biggest ever since 1997, when 490 events were held in Jakarta.

Palembang, the main hub, and Jakarta will each host 22 sports, with men’s football matches to be split between both cities. Indonesia must win more than 30 percents or roughly 160 gold medals to ensure a first place finish .

The Games is also hoped to help boost both cities economy through trade and tourism.

Sports to be played in Jakarta : archery, badminton, basketball, bowling, canoeing, cycling, dragon boat, equestrian, golf, fencing, judo, football, futsal, karate, kempo, paragliding, pencak silat, sailing, table tennis, taekwondo, vovinam, wushu.

Sports to be played in Palembang : athletics, aquatic (diving, swimming, synchronized swimming, water polo), baseball, boxing, bridge, fin swimming, football, gymnastic (artistic, ritmic, aerobic), petanque, roller skate, sepaktakraw, softball, shooting, volleyball (indoor and beach), wall climbing, water ski.

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History of Southeast Asian Games

The Southeast Asian Games (also known as the SEA Games), is a biennial multi-sport event involving participants from the current 11 countries of Southeast Asia. The games is under regulation of the Southeast Asian Games Federation with supervision by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Olympic Council of Asia.

The Southeast Asian Games owes its origins to the Southeast Asian Peninsular Games or SEAP Games. On 22 May 1958, delegates from the countries in Southeast Asian peninsula attending the 3rd Asian Games in Tokyo, Japan had a meeting and agreed to establish a sport organization.

Thailand, Burma (now Myanmar), Malaya (now Malaysia), Laos, South Vietnam  and Cambodia (with Singapore included thereafter) were the founding members. These countries agreed to hold the Games biannually. The SEAP Games Federation Committee was formed.

The first SEAP Games were held in Bangkok from 12–17 December 1959 comprising more than 527 athletes and officials from Thailand, Burma, Malaya (now Malaysia), Singapore, South Vietnam and Laos participating in 12 sports.

The last game held was the 2009 Southeast Asian Games (running from 9–18 December) which was the first time Laos has ever held a Southeast Asian Games. It has also commemorated the 50 years of the SEA Games, held in Vientiane, Laos. The next host for the 2011 Southeast Asian Games is Indonesia. The games commenced and progressed largely smoothly, however, praises and commendations were expressed by many athletes, sports officials and the press- Laos now joins the list of countries that have successfully hosted the South East Asian Games.

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SEA Games XXVI Broadcasters Meeting Diikuti 39 Peserta

(JAKARTA) – Sedikitnya 39 perwakilan penyelenggara penyiaran televisi dari negara-negara peserta SEA Games XXVI hadir pada SEA Games XXVI Broadcasters Meeting di Ballroom Hotel Sultan, Senayan, Jakarta, Kamis (18/8), untuk membahas persiapan teknis peliputan pesta olahraga dua tahunan itu.

Direktur Jenderal Indonesia SEA Games XXVI Organizing Committee Rachmat Gobel membuka resmi pertemuan tersebut. Rachmat mengharapkan pertemuan ini dapat menghasilkan masukan yang positif bagi Inasoc agar peliputan SEA Games XXVI oleh penyelenggara penyiaran televisi dapat berlangsung lancar dan hasilnya dapat dipancarkan ke negara-negara peserta SEA Games serta dunia.

Sementara itu Direktur Media dan Broadcast Inasoc, Linda Wahyudi, menyatakan pertemuan ini sangat penting untuk membahas masalah-masalah teknis penyiaran. Linda berharap eskpose terhadap SEA Games XXVI bukan hanya pada pertandingannya tetapi juga  berbagai aspek lain, khususnya keunggulan-keunggulan Indonesia sebagai tuan rumah penyelenggara.

Pada pertemuan ini juga hadir Direktur IT dan Telekomunikasi Inasoc, Sony Teguh. Sony memaparkan soal IT dan provider yang siap melayani segala keperluan penyelenggara penyiaran selama berlangsung SEA Games XXVI.
Para peserta juga mendapat menjelaskan tentang berbagai hal teknis pengiriman berita melalui televisi dari PT Telkom sebagai official provider SEA Games XXVI. Melalui pertemuan ini Inasoc mengharapkan adanya kerja sama yang baik dengan para penyelenggara penyiaran televisi.

Seusai pertemuan tersebut para peserta akan mengunjungi sejumlah tempat-tempat pertandingan di Jakarta. Selanjutnya pada hari Jumat (19/8) para peserta pertemuan bertolak menuju Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, untuk melihat pembangunan sejumlah tempat pertandingan di  kompleks Gelanggang Olahraga Jakabaring. Kunjungan ke Palembang ini juga untuk memberikan gambaran sejauh mana kesiapan Palembang sebagai tuan rumah SEA Games XXVI.

SEA Games XXVI akan berlangsung di Jakarta dan Sumatera Selatan, 11-22 November mendatang. Terdapat 43 cabang olahraga dan 545 nomor pertandingan pada SEA Games XXVI mendatang.
Indonesia menargetkan merebut medali emas terbanyak atau juara umum pada SEA Games kali ini. Selain itu Indonesia juga berharap sukses menjadi tuan rumah yang baik pesta olahraga dua tahunan ini.

Pada SEA Games XXV di Vientiane, laos, 2009, Indonesia tampil di urutan ketiga meraih 43 medali emas, 53 perak, 74 perunggu. Urutan pertama dan kedua masing-masing ditempati Thailand (86-83-97) dan Vietnam (83-75-57).

Olah Raga NegaraNegara Asia Tenggara SEA Games XXVI 2011 akan dilaksanakan di Indonesia (Jakarta dan Palembang) mulai 11 Nopember hingga 25 Nopember 2011. Pesta olah raga SEA Games dilaksanakan setiap dua tahun sekali dan melibatkan sebanyak 11 negaraNegara di  Asia Tenggara yaitu : Brunei Darussalam, Philiphina, Indonesia, Kamboja, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapura, Thailand, Timor-Leste, dan Vietnam.

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Launch Official Website SEA Games 26th of 2011 in Indonesia

The official website addressed launched on Friday, February 11, 2011 by INASOC (Indonesia SEA Games Organizing Committee) at the Annex Building, Bung Karno, Jakarta. The creation of this website is intended to provide maximum service and distributing information quickly and accurately concerning the preparation and implementation of the SEA Games XXVI 11 to 22 November 2011.

The launch of the SEA Games official website is done by Rita Subowo, Chairman of the National Committee of INASOC, who also leads Indonesia National Sport Committee and Indonesia Olympic Committee and Rahmat Gobel as Chairman of the INASOC.

Rita Subowo stated that the existence of this website is much needed as a provider of information for the public and the means of communication and correspondence for all participating countries, especially the delegates who are sent from each country participating in the SEA Games. Especially when the venues for the SEA Games are divided into two cities that are not adjacent, Jakarta and Palembang in South Sumatra, this website is significant to coordinate inter-committee.

"All the latest information about the SEA Games, sports that are competed, the location of the match, accommodation, accreditation, registration for volunteers, and other important matters will be posted on this website," added the Chairman of the Executive Committee INASOC, Rahmat Gobel. He explained that the website will arranged for all the needs related to the preparation and implementations of the SEA Games to be published to the public.

"The launch of the website will be divided into four phases. The first is in February, an overview of the SEA Games and its preparation. The second will be in March to October on an ongoing basis, data on the Registration and Accreditation for participants (Entry and Accreditation), Technical Handbooks, User Manuals, E-Recruitment to facilitate the registration of the general public who wish to join the successful implementation of the SEA Games will be processed.

On the third or early launch phase and during the competition, System Match Results (Games Result System) will be loaded. While on the fourth or last phase news about the results of the SEA Games (Post News) will be accessible.

For the general public or visitors who want to know more about Indonesia SEA Games in 2011 can also download Wallpaper, Application, Theme Song, Photos and Videos at

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Burung Garuda : Logo of 2011 Indonesia SEA Games

To host the SEA Games in 2011 has the meaning of hard work for Indonesia. Many things must be prepared to pick up the success Games of these Southeast Asian countries.

In addition to selecting beautiful date 11 November 2011 or 11/11/11 to set as the day of opening ceremonies, Indonesia SEA Games Organizing Committee (Inasoc) also prepared a variety of efforts for the SEA Games to be memorable especially for Indonesia and all participating countries. One of the impressions building efforts is done by specifying a logo that depicts Eagle with the philosophy of "Garuda Flight above Indonesia Nature”. As a symbol of the country, Garuda in the global sphere is well known and directly associated with Indonesia.

Garuda logo was officially introduced January 15, 2011 at the kick off event, 300 Days toward the SEA Games in Tanah Airku Theatre, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta. Physically, the Garuda symbolizes the power and its flaps wings represent the grandeur or glory.

In the logo, the head was given the red streaks symbolizing courage, fighting spirit, the spirit of play which also reflects the nationalism. The green streaks shaped mountain symbolizing Indonesia Nature Mountains and streaks of blue wave symbolizing the ocean archipelago.

The concept, is about the mighty Garuda as a guidance and as a protective figure, flying high above the Earth Mother which is rich in natural resources of forest, mountain, and maritime.

This spirit seems able to inspire athletes of Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke. Proud of their own country and compete in sportsmanship with friendly countries.

Eleven small orange circles that resembles the petals form of a large circle is a representation of the 11 participating countries.

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Tahukah Anda Bahwa Tubuh Manusia Dapat Bercahaya

Tahukah Anda bahwa sebenarnya tubuh manusia dapat mengeluarkan cahaya?. Para ilmuwan di Jepang telah mengadakan riset bahwa manusia menampilkan cahaya dalam kuantitas kecil pada tingkatan yang bisa naik dan turun per harinya. Sebelumnya, sudah pernah ada penelitian yang menyimpulkan bahwa tubuh manusia memancarkan cahaya yang terlihat 1.000 kali lebih redup dari tingkatan yang bisa terlihat oleh mata telanjang yang sangat sensitif. Faktanya, secara virtual, seluruh makhluk hidup bisa memancarkan cahaya yang sangat lemah yang diduga dihasilkan oleh reaksi bioproduk dari biokimia yang menyertakan radikal bebas di dalamnya. Untuk menganalisa lebih jauh mengenai hal ini, Masaki Kobayashi dan timnya yang berasal dari Tohoku Institute of Technology di Sendai, Jepang, mengadakan penelitian lanjutan. Dalam penelitian ini, mereka memanfaatkan kamera sensitif yang mampu mendeteksi setiap satuan energi cahaya. Sebanyak lima orang pria sehat berusia 20 tahun yang bertelanjang dada, ditempatkan di depan kamera dalam sebuah ruangan yang sangat gelap. “Mereka ditempatkan dalam ruangan gelap gulita dan menghadap kamera selama 20 menit, setiap tiga jam sekali. Uji coba ini diterapkan selama tiga hari dari pukul 10 pagi hingga 10 malam,” kata Kobayashi. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan, tubuh kelima pria tersebut nampak bersinar dan meredup secara bergantian sepanjang hari. Titik minimum cahaya terjadi pada pukul 10 pagi sementara titik maksimum pancaran cahaya terjadi pukul 4 sore hari. Artinya, pukul 10 pagi merupakan titik redup paling rendah yang dipancarkan tubuh. Sebaliknya, sinar paling benderang yang dihasilkan tubuh terjadi pada pada pukul 4 sore hari. Cahaya ini kemudian secara bertahap akan meredup perlahan. Para ilmuwan memperkirakan, hal ini disebabkan oleh emisi cahaya yang berhubungan dengan jam tubuh kita, yang kemungkinan besar terkait dengan bagaimana fluktuasi irama metabolisme yang ditampilkan tubuh sepanjang hari.

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How does Craigslist Make Money

The craigslist service entered 1995 produced by Craig Newark, it started out a message list of pals that featured local even in San Francisco Bay Area. It became an internet based service after having a year and possesses grown to expand to different cities and countries.

 The site has over 20 billion view on a monthly basis rendering it as the 33rd most viewed website across the world and 7th through the US. Craigs list 80 million new advertisements every month it is the best choice in classified service due to the industry. It received a couple of million job listings monthly so that it is as among the top job boards around the globe. It's got different categories which you could put your posts from trade to dogs to jobs and also real estate property.

 What makes Craigslist Generate profits

 It has become a controversial topic to many people because most will wonder so how exactly does craigslist makes money because they offer free posting on classifieds. One has to only go the craigslist homepage to see that not all posts are for free some have to have a fee which needs to be paid per posting. Samples of necessities such as $75 per post in the Bay area San francisco bay area. Some areas like Austin, Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago, New York, Portland, Sacramento and North park are just a some of the cities this charge $25 for job postings. That means that whenever they should post any extra job then there is another fee to pay. If you still wonder how does craigslist earn money then wonder forget about, with more than Two million job posts on the spot a month I'm certain how the site has become profitable to keep in the business. How can Craigslist Make Money

 Also, in Ny there exists a fee of $10 for posting apartment rentals from brokers and through the US posts for therapeutic services charges $10 per post and $ for reposting it.

 All job posts expire between 30 - 45 days dependant on the city. That means that there is a consistent flow of income due to the should repost the position ads monthly. The site has been able to create a strong foundation on its income and it seems that there is no need to question so how exactly does craigslist make money?

 - How can Craigslist Earn money & Safety on the Website

 Since craigslist is a free service the first is cautioned against posting their personal information on the posts for example email or telephone no. as some utilize this to take advantage of the viewer who respond by gathering information which can be used in order to scam or get unwanted telemarketer calls later on.

 How can craigslist generate profits ? There has been a great deal of concern also on the legality of some posts on the spot for example the adult content category and private sections as it has been known to connect partners together even lesbians.

 Also about the buy/sell category be cautious while using purchases you make as is available no chance to look for the authenticity in the service so prior to you buying seek advice from the owner try to obtain a warranty or request to meet in public areas to look for the object on the market. Following this information about how does craigslist generate profits.

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Saturday, September 17, 2011


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1 ekor ayam buras yang gemuk, potong 4 bagian
2 sdm air jeruk nipis
1 sdt bawang putih
500 ml air kelapa
50 g gula Jawa, sisir
2 sdm kecap manis
1 lembar daun salam
minyak goreng
Bumbu, haluskan:
8 butir bawang merah
4 siung bawang putih
1 cm lengkuas
½ sdt merica butiran
1 sdt garam

Cara membuat: 

1. Lumuri ayam dengan air jeruk nipis dan bawang putih hingga rata. Diamkan selama 1 jam.
2. Didihkan air kelapa bersama bumbu halus, daun salam, gula dan kecap manis.
3. Masukkan ayam, masak hingga kuah habis dan ayam lunak. Angkat dan tiriskan ayam hingga dingin.
4. Goreng dalam minyak panas dan banyak hingga kering. Angkat, sajikan hangat.
Untuk 6 orang

Ayam Goreng Tulang Lunak

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1 ekor ayam kampung
1 bungkus ragi instan
1 tangkai serai, memarkan
1 lembar daun salam
2 cm lengkuas, dimemarkan
400 cc santan
minyak untuk menggoreng

Bumbu Halus

5 butir bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
1 sendok teh ketumbar
4 butir kemiri
2 cm kunyit
2 cm jahe
1/2 sendok makan garam


1. Tusuk-tusuk ayam dengan garpu. Taburi ragi instan. Diamkan 5 jam. Lumuri ayam dengan bumbu lalu diamkan lagi 1 jam.

2. Masukkan ayam ke panci presto tuangkan santan. Tambahkan serai, daun salam dan lengkuas. Masak selama 1 jam.

3. Keluarkan ayam dari panci presto lalu dinginkan.

4. Goreng sampai matang.

Easy Family Dinners Are Closer Than Thailand

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Easy family dinners can come from your own kitchen but have the flavors of far away. I mean that you don’t need to cook like the greatest Italian Chef to make an Italian inspired meal. You don’t need to study in Thailand to use the characteristic flavors in a simple cooking method.

 Basically, if it’s good to you, it’s good. I’ve had some commenters on the internet tell me that “You didn’t make the crepes in the authentic way.” Or, “real beef bourguignon isn’t made that way”. What they don’t realize, was I was just trying to make something that appealed to me.

 That’s exactly what I’m trying to inspire the world to do, cook in a way that is pleasing to them. I want to transform people from frustrated recipe followers into home kitchen masters. I want people to cook for their own enjoyment, using the flavors in their head and the ingredients in their cabinets.

 The biggest detriment to easy family dinners at home is the written recipe. People search for recipes. People swap recipes. Some recipes work, others don’t work. Sometimes it comes out okay, sometimes it doesn’t. If you’re ready to “Burn Your Recipes” (incidentally, the title of my cooking dvd series), and cook with fast simple methods but generate great flavor, follow this procedure today.

 I just made up a recipe using the ingredients in my pantry. I call it “Peanut Coconut Shrimp Thai Fry” because it uses the flavors of Thailand, but comes from my own kitchen and creativity.

 Here’s what you’ll need:

 Sesame Oil

 Chicken Breast, sliced

 Wasabi Powder

 Red Pepper Flakes

 Carrots, Sliced

 Broccoli Florets

 Coconut Milk or Soup

 Peanut Butter

 Soy Sauce

 All the fast dinner ideas I’ve given you this week have included a stove-top sauté or stir fry. This is the quickest and easiest way to create a one-dish dinner, saving clean-up time as well.

 After I test that the wok is hot with a few drops of water, the sesame oil is added to the pan as a conductor of the heat and to add the distinct sesame flavor. The sliced chicken breast is stir-fried in the sesame oil until it starts to turn white on the sides.

 If the chicken sticks to the bottom of the pan, it’s no problem because that “fond” will become part of our pan sauce when we use a liquid to deglaze the pan.

 So far, this easy family dinner could have any international flavor that we’d like. But, to give it a truly distinctive Pacific Island flavor, I’ll add dried Wasabi powder and red pepper flakes to combine those flavors with the chicken and sesame. I’ll add sliced carrots and broccoli florets to the stir fry, but you can choose the vegetables you like best.

 From deep in my pantry, I’ve found a can of Thai Coconut Soup. It’s been in my closet for quite a while, but now becomes the liquid for my sauté. It deglazes the pan by dropping the temperature quickly and dramatically, releasing the fond from the bottom of the pan.

 The coconut flavor isn’t the only pantry item into this improvised easy family dinner. A scoop of peanut butter and some soy sauce are always in my cabinet, and they make a perfect compliment to wasabi, pepper, coconut pan sauce I’ve got going.

 The most simple part of this procedure is also the most intelligent. By placing the lid on the pan we change from a direct heat method of cooking to an indirect method. With the lid off, all the heat comes from the bottom of the pan. It’s dry heat that allows moisture to evaporate. Placing the lid traps all the moisture and cooks in an indirect fashion.

 It’s a simple matter to check the pieces of chicken with a thermometer, or taste for doneness. But when you place this easy family dinner onto their plates, you won’t believe how quick this process was. Whether you go all the way to Thailand, or choose Italy or China for your inspiration, at least it came from your own kitchen and your personal creativity.

 You can watch the entire video that demonstrates this easy family dinner.

Green Living With Tava Tea - 100% Pure Green Tea To Lose Weight

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Although it may look like that Tava Tea wellness blend is like any other tea on the market, it has some properties that the others do not. Similar to Earl Grey and Darjeeling teas, Sencha, Oolong and Puerh have been around for a very long time and considered beneficial for one's health. The Chinese have been drinking Sencha, Puerh and Oolong for more than five hundred years. Tava Tea, with all its great nutrients, is a perfect blend of these three teas.

 One of the key ingredients of green tea is Catechin which is a type of important antioxidant recognized as Polyphenol. There are extremely high levels of Catechin contained Sencha. Polyphenol antioxidants occur in numerous forms but the healthiest is catechin. There are high concentration of a strong type of Catechin in green tea known as Epigallocatechin gallate. Part of living green is to utilize products that are not just great for the environment but enhances your health as well.

 Tava Tea is well viewed not only for weight loss but to help restore the body to a healthy state too. It has been clinically shown that Tava Tea can help lower the amount of body of fat while balancing cholesterol amounts. Other benefits of Tava Tea aside from losing weight include improved digestion of food, reducing bloating and burning twice more calories than normal green teas on the market. It's likewise found to minimize the effects of consuming carbs. Just consuming a cup of tava tea approximately 15 minutes before you eat a food with lots of carbs will help to reduce the production of insulin, and as a result, you will put on less fat.

 Free radicals harm the body at the cellular level, making individuals more prone to get coronary heart disease, different chronic conditions as well as cancer. One more healthy feature of this type of green drink is that it is rich in the amino acid L-theanine, which has been proven to relax the body and calm the mind. The aminoalkanoic acid, L-theanine, raises alpha brainwave activity which, in turn, increases the amount of Serotonin and Dopamine released which helps you to feel relaxed.

 A group of men and adult females, taking part in a study, drank Wuyi Cliff Oolong green tea for 15 days. The end result revealed an amazing 50% lessening of free radicals for everyone in the group. Lowering the amount of free radicals in your body is an important point in slowing down the process of aging. By drinking two or more cups of Wu Long tea every day, you can lower the prospects of heart disease by as much as 26%. While you may not be thinking green to save the environment, you should at least be thinking green for your health.

 One little thing you can do to improve your health is to consume green tea each day. The best green tea you can find is Tava Tea. On top of all the health benefits, Tava Tea comes with a six month money back guarantee. A lot of companies extend free trials but in majority of cases, they are cons since they get you signed up for automatic monthly charges. To protect your health, begin consuming Tava Tea, the number one rated green tea.

Coffee machines at home – are they a waste of time?

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Once a status symbol for the ultra-glam; now a commonplace household appliance - coffee machines have slowly crept their way into kitchens around the world. With over 400 million cups consumed per year in the United States alone*, it is unsurprising that many enthusiasts are attempting to recreate their favourite brew at home - but are the benefits of owning a machine enough to ensure their regular use?

 Avoiding the dusty appliance shelf

 Owning a coffee machine has many advantages – many of which are wasted in a lazy or overly busy household. Preparation and/or brewing time should be taken into account prior to purchase, as these can vary considerably depending on the type of machine being used. Traditional espresso machines requiring filter coffee are much more ‘hands-on’ than their automatic capsule-powered counterparts, and generally require more effort to use and maintain (although the quality is arguably higher). Adequate care must also be taken to clean the machine and equipment after use, as the quality of each cup decreases noticeably without regular cleaning.

 Changing daily habits

 Making café-quality coffee at home is easy if it becomes a habit. However, for those who race out the door in the morning, grabbing a cappuccino on the way to work is often considered something of a ritual. For the time-poor, simply turning on the coffee machine before showering can save a few precious minutes in the morning. Alternatively, the time saved from not needing to queue at a café can be better used making a cheaper – yet equally invigorating – latte at home.

 Practice makes perfect

 A common complaint for new owners of coffee machines is that their coffee never turns out the same as a brew from their local café. This can happen because of a number of factors, including the type of machine used, the type of coffee, and the cleanliness of the machine. Capsule machines for example, can be quite limited, and will maintain a similar taste throughout the life of the machine. However, in some cases this problem can be attributed to an inexperienced barista. Coffee-making is regarded as an art by many, but it is a skill that almost anyone can learn with a little practice – and once learned, it is an enviable asset when entertaining guests.


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Evolution of Cupcake Wraps and decorations for cupcakes

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I remember when I was younger, my grandmother would always have a cute little cupcake waiting for me and she would lay out all of the decorations for cupcakes and let me decorate them when I arrived. My family get-together almost always ended up with white cupcakes, decked with lots of chocolate icing and sprinkles on top, as desserts. Today, the cupcake has evolved from the usual white cake flavor to the more elaborate forms, such as red velvet cupcakes, carrot cake cupcakes and many, many more.

 While the housing and the flavor of the cupcakes have improved over the years, so have the accessories used in cupcake preparation and decoration-some new found, and some improved. These cupcake accessories have made the cupcake more interesting to cook and decorate.

 Cupcake Wraps and Liners

 Cupcake wraps and liners or round sheets of thin paper, such as parchment paper, are used to provide a thin barrier between the cake and the cupcake pan. The job of a cupcake liner is to keep the cupcakes moist and soft and also make it easier to remove the cupcakes from the pan after they have finished cooking and cooling.

 White paper used to be the main style of cupcake liner available. Eventually manufacturers came out with plain colored cupcake liners that you could purchase for events such as birthday's and anniversaries. A couple of years later, colorful paper liners with designs that match your party theme were made available. If it's Spiderman or Hello Kitty you want, finding the paper liner that fits your needs is no longer a problem.

 Not only have the cupcake liners evolved into works of art, the big trend is to now wrap your cooked and decorated cupcake with cupcake wraps. Cupcake wraps are the new chic in the cupcake industry. Cupcake wraps are easy to handle and can make even the most novice bakers' cupcake look like a designer cupcake out of a couture cupcake shop.

 Cupcake Towers

 Cupcakes used to be baked and placed on a platter or maybe even a cake plate for display. They weren't displayed long in my house, as I remember as soon as they were baked, they were eaten. There was no time for fancy decorations and displays.

 Nowadays, cupcakes are the centerpiece of the dessert table for many events. In fact, the latest trend in weddings is cupcake wedding cakes. Cupcake trees and cupcake towers are being used as wedding cupcake stands in order to display hundreds of elegantly decorated cupcakes replacing the traditional wedding cake in many weddings today. The guests of the party can even take their own cupcake home with them in specially made cupcake containers.

 Depending on how large the event may be, cupcake towers can have 3 to 7 tiers at an average. Most of them can be easily taken down, washed and stored for future use while others are disposable so the host doesn't have to worry about cleaning the cupcake tower and storing after the party. The disposable towers are usually cheaper than the reusable ones; however, if you plan on having several events during the year, it would be beneficial to invest in a little higher priced, reusable tower that would really save you money in the long run.


 Cupcakes have always held a place in my heart and remind me of the simple things in life I enjoy. With that said, cupcake accessories available on the market, make simple things, a little more enjoyable.

 There are many places to get ideas for cupcakes online. You can find an online cupcake store or cupcake blog that will have information about baby shower cupcake ideas, novelty birthday cakes and decorations for cupcakes.

Add a Little Glamour With Flowers on Your Hair

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Glamorous flowers on your hair is a sure way to add elegance and a wonderful way to carry the textures and colors from the wedding dress. It doesn't matter what colors you have chosen, it is very easy to coordinate the flowers for your hair accessories with fabric flowers. Fabric flowers are an easy handmade project and can be made with ribbon, silk organza, organdy, or velvet.

One of the easiest ways to make a fabric flower is to cut a square of fabric. Make cuts almost to the center to form petals. The petals are still square at this point. Round off the square edges and singe with a tea light. Make three sizes from small, medium, and large. The petals do not have to be perfect. Some can be larger than others as in nature. Singeing the edges will cause the petals to curl and "cup" like real flower petals. Sew or glue the pieces together with the smaller piece in the center. Attach a round piece of fabric to the back and glue to an alligator clip or hair comb. The center of the flower can be embellished with Swarovski crystals, pearls, or inexpensive crystal earrings. Using earrings is a great way to make use of the single one left when you have lost the other one!

Now that you have made one beautiful flower, don't stop there! Make several different sizes to form a beautiful cluster for a hair comb or headband. Add some amazing feathers and you will have a stylish fascinator! Fabric flowers also look great on dresses, worn as corsages, and even on your shoes. Purses, ponytail bands, and bun wraps.... guest book pens, votive candles, and napkin rings.... they are so versatile and so beautiful. Shoe clips are sold at craft stores and it is as easy as gluing the flower to the clip! This is also a great opportunity to use Swarovski crystals or pearls to embellish your shoes instead of fabric flowers. Small super magnets are a great way to attach fabric flowers to elegant dresses and purses. They are also sold at craft stores. Glue or tape one magnet to the flower and place another magnet behind the dress fabric. It will not only stay in place, but you don't have to worry about making a pin hole!

A lovely idea for a fabric flower is to use several different kinds of fabric and three shades of the same color. By using different textures, the flower will be more interesting. By using three shades of the same color it will have more depth. An elegant look for the mother of the bride is to perfectly coordinate her ensemble with a flower made from the same fabric as her dress or suit. Many bridal shops offer a fabric swatch (or two) that can be used to make a flower or they can be ordered from the manufacturer. An accessory such as a scarf or handkerchief can also be used. This is a perfect opportunity to perfectly match the bridesmaids hair flowers to their dresses. Feathers for a fascinator can be dyed to match the fabric colors as well as pearls.

We have so many materials available to create anything we can dream of! Flowers on your hair is one of the loveliest choices and is sure to please every bride!

Beauty Tips and Advice: Getting the Beach Hair Look

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Summer might be coming to an end but the great news is you don't have to go to the seaside to get that beach hair look. However, it is nearly as easy as lazing in the sand. This sexy style works just as well in the cooler months, irrespective of what kind of hair type you have, and the following beauty tips and advice will help you to achieve it easily.

Hair type: fine to medium, straight to loose waves

• Before you go to bed wash and condition your hair but only towel dry it.
• Using a conditioning moose distribute in sections throughout all of your hair. Once this is done comb it in.
• Finally, scrunch your hair then sleep on it.
• Once you wake the next morning your hair will have a texture and volume ready for the beach hair look.
• Twist and curl your hair using a medium size curling iron beginning at your nape. Once at your crown, starting from the roots to the ends, continue to twist and curl your hair.
• Once your hair has cooled down, use your fingers to soften the curls using a greaseless lightweight hair serum.

Hair type: thick, curly to coarse

• As before, shampoo and condition your hair then towel dry before you go to bed.
• In addition, use a relaxing balm and comb this through in order to tame your curls.
• Again, starting at your nape, twist and curl your hair using a medium size curling iron.
• Once your hair has been allowed to cool, use your fingers and a lightweight greaseless hair serum to loosen the curls.

Additional beauty tips and advice

Beauty tips and advice for one step further would involve braiding your hair before going to bed. If you have fine hair, then use a conditioning mousse and, for thick hair, use a relaxing balm. In both cases, apply evenly and comb through. When putting in your braids, start them two inches from your scalp. Remember that the bigger the braid, the bigger the wave and the smaller the braid the more crimped the beach hair look will be. Once you've taken out the braids, loosen the waves with your fingers and a lightweight greaseless hair serum.

By following these beauty tips and advice, you can have beautiful 'just come from the beach' looks and you don't have to go to the seaside, all from the comfort of your own home.

Try Mineral Makeup to Maintain Natural Beauty

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Makeup right from the beginning of the universe is an important part of a woman's life. You cannot even ask a woman to go to the market without makeup. It is a birthright of every woman to look beautiful. Applying makeup for this purpose is an old tradition. But more and more makeup makes you look dull as skin start losing its natural glow resulted in aging skin, fine lines, wrinkles. Mineral makeup is an option to overcome this problem. It came into existence during 1970s, since then it has become an essential for those applying makeup regularly. In mineral makeup products the ingredients used are harvested naturally from the earth rather than chemicals, alcohols, dyes and other preservatives.

The traditional makeup products often contains the preservatives, perfumes, oils and chemicals which can easily damage the skin, that's why mineral products of makeup are gaining more popularity in cosmetic industry. There are different type of mineral makeup products are there in the market so before you one for you give it a proper research, only then try it on your skin so that you need not to face any irritation or any other bad effect. First of all you should be aware about the ingredients of mineral product so that while buying any mineral cosmetic product you may consider them. The most common ingredients used in mineral products are Titanium dioxide which acts as a natural sunscreen and blocks the UV rays, Zinc oxide that inhabits skin inflammation, Mica provides a natural texture and glow to the skin, pure pigments which gives makeup a natural tone and color, Kaolin Clay that has good oil absorbing properties, Bismuth Oxychloride which contains bismuth and salt. Bismuth Oxychloride is used for face powders, foundations, lipsticks and mascara.

Applying mineral makeup just require a little attention. It is actually very easy. Just a few tips will help you do so. Sometimes the companies whose mineral products you buy, comes up with DVDs with your purchase which gives you the basic tips. First of all you need to prepare your skin for makeup by Cleansing, toning, and moisturizing which should be a regular beauty routine. Then a concealer one or two shade lighter than your foundation creates highlights. Then apply the correct foundation that smooth and gives a finishing touch to your skin, put a few shade of foundation on the side of your face (not on cheeks) and check it in natural light, if it looks invisible then it is the right color for your skin tone. Always blend everything with a brush and then lock your makeup with a loose powder.

Mineral makeup is actually very good for your skin. The regular use will even improve your skin. It helps in preventing premature wrinkles and aging. Along with that it is very easy to apply and remove mineral makeup. It is also very long lasting product as they are made up of natural ingredients and do not have synthetic chemicals or any ingredients from animals or animal by-products. So it is the best way to maintain natural and healthy beauty.

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton And Mysticism?

We haven't spoken in this account of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton about any visions, locutions or mysticism. Quite honestly, that's because we haven't come across anything of that nature. And Mother Seton had always been a very down-to-earth, practical woman. However, the time was to come when the Lord would decide when the community would be built, where it would be built, and how it would be financed. And that information had to be projected to Mother Seton.

 This question had been rolling around for some time in Elizabeth's mind. She even wrote to Antonio Filicchi in Italy, in an attempt borrow money for the building of the convent, but although her letter reached him, his reply never reached her. She took this as rejection at first, until a year later when his letter arrived, long after the fact. But it is obvious that she was throwing out feelers. Whoever the Lord wanted to be involved, would respond in a positive way. That was Elizabeth's thinking. However, the Lord unfolded another plan, His plan.

 One day, Elizabeth ran into the office of Fr. Dubourg to tell him what the Lord had clearly said to her during Communion at Mass that day. "Go and address yourself to Mr. Cooper; he will give you what is necessary to commence the establishment." Now, this could be considered by some as being out of left field. Mr. Samuel Cooper was a well-to-do young man from Philadelphia who had converted to Catholicism, and was discerning if the priesthood was where the Lord wanted him. He met Elizabeth when Fr. Hurley brought him to Baltimore for the consecration of St. Mary's Chapel. They had become close friends for a while, because they had so much in common. They went their separate ways in their search for God's Will in their lives, but remained friends and were in communication with each other from time to time. They had not seen each other for a while, and so the suggestion had to come from the Lord; it didn't come from Elizabeth.

 Fr. Dubourg agreed that this might be the Word of the Lord, but didn't want Elizabeth to pursue it any farther until the Lord had an opportunity to speak to Mr. Cooper's heart. By the Lord's coincidence, Mr. Cooper dropped in on Fr. Dubourg that same evening, asking what was happening with the convent for the ladies who wanted to embrace the religious life. Without mentioning anything about Elizabeth Seton to Mr. Cooper, he shared that there were many who wanted to proceed with this project, but they couldn't for lack of money. Mr. Cooper said to him quite calmly, "I have ten thousand dollars which I can give you for this purpose."

 Fr. Dubourg, who believed in Divine Intervention as well as the next man, was knocked from his seat. He asked, in an effort at calmness, "Have you been speaking to Elizabeth Ann Seton?" Mr. Cooper said he had not, but then asked if she would be considered as heading up the project. When Fr. Dubourg confirmed that, Mr. Cooper seemed very happy with the idea. Fr. Dubourg held him off for two months, in the event he wanted to change his mind. To the contrary, he was chomping at the bit to begin. He immediately became involved with the project of building a convent for the Sisters. He even prophesied where it would be located. When he brought the money to Fr. Dubourg, he said, "Sir, this establishment will be made at Emmitsburg, a village eighteen leagues from Baltimore; and then it will extend throughout the United States."

 At the mention of Emmitsburg, the priest was taken aback. He did not really approve of the idea of being out of Baltimore. Neither did Elizabeth Seton; neither did the archbishop. Of all the people involved, only Mr. Cooper saw the vision of Emmitsburg, and while he vowed he would not exert any influence in choosing the location, Emmitsburg was the final choice.

 Elizabeth wrote to Filippo Filicchi, apprising him what had happened, and now, rather than asking him for money to build the project, she invited him to be involved in any way he could with Fr. Dubourg and Mr. Cooper. In this letter to Filippo, she made an unusual revelation. The final proof for them that this was being done directly by the Lord was given to Elizabeth by Fr. Matignon, from Boston, who had befriended Elizabeth some years before. Elizabeth confided to Filippo Filicchi the following in a letter: "Fr. Matignon had suggested Cooper's plan to Elizabeth long before Cooper himself had ever thought of it. It is no wonder that everyone concerned in the matter was profoundly convinced that the hand of God was writing on the wall."

 Copyright (c) 2011 Bob and Penny Lord's Site

The History of Gospel Music

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At churches all across the United States, Gospel Choir’s have spread Joy and inspiration for Hundreds of years. Each Sunday people are clapping hands and dancing to the sound of Gospel lyrics, but why? What is it about the Gospel Song lyrics that moves people to such levels of ecstasy? Is it the words? Is it the surrounding? And where does it all come from?

 Although the the church and worship are over 2000 years old, we can only trace Gospel music to the 18th century. Gospel Song Lyrics are very repetitive. Many believe this comes from the slave times when blacks were not able to read, this allowed them also to take part in the worship. The worship services also played a big role in reinforcing the slavery indoctrination, as the sermons were often taken from St. Paul which talked about: good servants, loving, obeying and trusting one’s master. The hymns of the white master became the backdrop for the music of the enslaved Africans which later they used in worship meetings.

 The Beginnings

 The person who many consider to be the father of Gospel Music, Thomas A. Dorsey (1899-1993) was fittingly the son of a Baptist minister, and played with the most famous blues singers of all time-specifically, Bessie Smith (1894-1937) and Ma Rainey (1886-1939). Ironically his fist love was Blues and Ragtime. After two nevervous breakdowns in 1928, He decided to take a break from the music business and that is where he began to change his direction to religious composing. 1932 Dorsey organized one of the fist Gospel Choirs in Chicago at the Pilgrim Baptist Church. It was here that Dorsey began to write religious music, although he did abandon his style of bright or gaudy lyrics, the rhythmic style of jazz and his love of the blues flavor stayed. But not everyone was overjoyed with the new style of the gospel music, some of the “old guard” conservatives labeled it “the devil’s music” and shunned it. But, he stayed true to his music and lived long enough to write over 800 songs and hear his musics ascend from the first row pews to the choir stand, where it previously had been banned. To insure this, Dorsey founded The National Convention of Gospel Choirs and Choruses in 1932, an organization still in existence today.

 A 1994 Score magazine article titled “The Father of Gospel Music” quoted Dorsey as saying, “When I realized how hard some folks were fighting the gospel idea, I was determined to carry the banner.”

 Carry it he did. “I borrowed five dollars and sent out 500 copies of my song, ‘If You See My Savior,’ to churches throughout the country…. It was three years before I got a single order. I felt like going back to the blues.”

 Many Famous Singers have their roots in Gospel Music

 Once Gospel music was defined as religious, but gospel has moved to the mainstream and has its mark on all other types of music and popular culture. The list of singers who got their start in music from singing in the choir is way to long to even begin to write down in this small space but just to get an idea of what legends started out with the gospel song lyrics before moving on to other genres of music are Superstars in pop and soul such as Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston or Mary J. Blidge. Also Country stars like Tennessee-Ernie-Williams and Glen Camble and yes even the king himself Elvis Presley started with gospel music.

 The Most Famous Gospel Choir

 Probably the most famous Gospel choir is the „Harlem Gospel Choir“ It was founded in 1986 and has spent the better part of the last 25 years touring the country raising money for children charities and spreading the love of gospel music to millions of people. Allen Baily was the founder and he got the idea while attending a celebration to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, JR. At the Cotton Club in Harlem.The Choir includes some of the best singers and musians from black churches in Harlem and the Greater New York area. The choirs main goal is to create a better understanding of the African-American culture & the inspirational music called Gospel as it relates to the Black Church. But, certainly the music is for everyone. If you see a concert in your area its always a good recommendation to attend this gospel celebration of singing and dancing!.

 Todays Gospel Music

 Gospel Music has branched out in so many directions over the years. Now Christian rock is the new age of music and the singers are listed weekly on the bill board gospel charts. There is a GMA (Gospel Music association) it has become a multi million dollar business as well. But no mater how the sound changes over the years, the roots will always be from heart and soul of the black American slaves that started this wonderful sound.
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