Wednesday, November 23, 2011

T = v1 + v2, How to Increase Traffic And Popularity With Quick And Natural

Please read carefully and then apply it right ....

A philosophy that says "Honesty is the Best Policy", this is what we will prove whether the concept of honesty .... though we can generate traffic and greater popularity of the concept of complex expert webmaster or SEO expert ..?...
I am sure I can home run with this concept right ... if this is enforced in accordance with the provisions of your web then:

-Web you will be flooded with traffic visitors a remarkable day in and day out, without needing to worry about tired SEO or control every aspect of the promotion places in the world of the Internet.
-Web you will be flooded backlink extraordinary day by day, without the need to bother hunting every related site link in the internet world.

If Albert Einstein's equation E = mc2 is used to combine the potential and the speed of light to produce nuclear energy was incredible, then we will use the equation t = v1 + v2 potential to combine my web and your web traffic and popularity to produce outstanding as good.

If Einstein used atomic plutonium and uranium to make nuclear bombs, then we use the honesty and accuracy to make a bomb of this traffic and popularity.

All you have to do is follow the following steps :

1-Create a post articles as I post this, or copy-paste this post and also be entitled: t = v1 + v2, How to increase traffic and popularity quickly and naturally.

2-Next Copy or create SENTENCE IMPACT which is under the number 4 is then put on the web you on the most easily viewed by visitors, for example at the top of the sidebar.

3-Move or change a link or url address of my posts (here-1) replaces the url address of my colleagues (here-2).
-To know the url address of my posts and posts that you can make is by clicking on the title / author of this post that we make.

4-Then fill in the url address of your posts on the here-1 earlier. So you do publish (publish) 2 times, after the completion of this post you created and published, and then you click on the title (title) posting to mengambbil / copy the url address of your posts from your browser's address bar, then you edit again earlier posts and entries on the link here-1's.

Here are the words "SENTENCE IMPACT" you need to install in your web part (after the change in its url link in accordance with the above)
"Want to increase visitor traffic and your web popularity quickly and unlimited ...?...
Leave it to me ..., I'll do it for you FREE ...!.. Click here-1 and here-2 "

5-Here are two links: links (web link I am now) and my link (web link of my colleagues now). Then replace (address) "your link" with "your web url links" and "link me with my web url links" (links my colleagues in the clear).
your link
My links
-So after SENTENCE IMPACT put this on your website then: if the meg-click link here-1 will link to your post, and if you click here-2 will link to my post ... and so it continues to happen eye chain like that ...
5-Completed, prepare a counter tracker and link checker such as Sitemeter and Technorati to see the results flood your web traffic and linkback.

What is t = V1 + t2 ...?

t: Number of traffic that will get your website in one day
v1: The number of visitors to your website in one day
v2: The number of visitors who have v1 (visitors of your web visitors) in a day.

Traffic :

For example, my web or your website in one day had an average of 50 people .. visitors, and they apply this concept (SENTENCE IMPACT) correctly, and 50 people from each of the 50 people of the visitors of his blog , then the web we will have the opportunity to visit 50 plus 50 x 50 people on that day = 2550 people, and will likely continue to increase as well day after day, because every day there are always new visitors in the Internet world, every day there is also a blogger or a new web in the internet world ... Prove

Popularity :

For example, our web visitors have 50 people in one day, and all are applying this concept, then in today's web you will get 100 linkback to your website, a link to SENTENCE-IMPACT and a link on the link in my multiply 50. and will likely continue to increase day by day ....

Why need to create links and link your link on my post ...?
... This is to maintain the immortality of our links, because as we know the link to the post less likely erased ....

Can we do not fair or not fair sabotage this concept, such as "remove all the links of origin" and fill in the web / blog of our own ...? .... Yes, and this concept will not prove to be a maximum Honesty is a strategy / best politics ..... But I am sure that we all do not want to impose themselves credibility by doing something cheap like that ...

Source :

Saturday, November 19, 2011

For Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Benefits of tomatoes.
Tomato is useful to provide a sour taste in cuisine. But do you know behind to give the acid taste, for health benefits of tomatoes are still very much.

Fast-food snacks and drinks at this time many found around us. Food packaging is a bit that we eat. But we begin to question our eating habits are. The tendency of people to begin to recognize a healthy life is worth appreciating. In the form of processed tomato juice drinks, tomato sauce is made from your kitchen can be an alternative to start living healthy, considering the many benefits of tomatoes.

Before discussing  more about the benefits of tomatoes, it would  be better if we know  the nutrient content that is contained in tomatoes. In  100 grams of tomato contained the  following nutrients :

  • phosphorus 27 grams
  • 360 mg potassium
  • 6 mg of iron
  • calcium 11 mg
  • vitamin C 23 mg
  • Thiamine 56 mg
  • Protein 1 grams
  • Vitamin A 1000 UI
  • Vitamin K

For the health benefits of tomatoes

Here are the health benefits of tomatoes :

Benefits of tomatoes for skin health

Tomatoes are consumed every day routine is able to treat the skin from the body. Tomatoes will help smooth wrinkles on the face wrinkles because age increases

Tomatoes can also be used as an acne medicine. How to take benefits of tomatoes to reduce acne are: potonga then cook tomatoes into smaller parts, then slowly apply on face, use regularly for a month.

Citric acid is present in tomatoes can make skin more clean from dirt and too fat.

Tomatoes reduce the risk of prostate cancer benefit

The risk of prostate cancer will decrease 21-43% just by eating tomatoes regularly 2 times a week.

Benefits of tomatoes for eye health

Tomatoes contain a high beta-carotene. Beta carotene is beneficial for eye health.

Benefits of tomatoes for the digestion and appetite

Tomatoes are rich in mineral salts including. Mineral salt is able to stimulate the release of saliva. Saliva contains enzymes necessary for digestion enzymes. Minerals minerals from tomatoes can increase appetite while the enzyme enzymes that exit can facilitate digestion.

Benefits of tomatoes as an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory

Tomatoes contain tomatine are useful as anti-inflammatory, whereas the content of carotene and vitamin C in tomatoes is useful as anti-oxidants that will fight free radicals.

Hopefully this article helpful to you...

Friday, November 18, 2011

How Quick and Healthy Diet

Healthy diet and can quickly be summarized into two main activities namely exercise and diet, but these two activities can describe to a healthy lifestyle and daily activities that we do.

Here's how quick and healthy diet that can be tried. The more you successfully run a healthy diet tips below you can expect the sooner the development of your diet.

Tips / how quick and healthy diet

  • 600 calories can easily fit into the stomach by eating pastries and snacks. Try to limit eating snacks and pastries.

  • Instead of eating her cream soup, choose broth soup with no cream. Cream will add calories to your meal.

  • Instead you buy a meal out, would be better if you bring food from home. Bringing food from home will indirectly help limit your lunch. You often hungry stomach to see the food delicacies displayed in outcomes is not it?

  • When eating try to eat low-calorie foods first and later to a more calorie foods. FIRST vegetable / fruit first and then his rice and side dishes.

  • Use a smaller plate than usual. Smaller plates will indirectly of petrified you put less calories into your body because it was as though you have eaten a plate full of dishes when you are actually small.

  • Chew your food slowly. This step is effective enough to make you full faster so that it can be said this move effectively as a means of quick and healthy diet.

  1. Reduce use of salt
  2. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. This is the minimum amount.
  3. Avoid fast food.
  4. Diet is the best exercise for aerobic exercise.
  5. Do not miss the main meal. eat 3x a day, not less. 2 x daily eating a healthy diet is not the correct way

Tips on a healthy diet and fast is beneficial to you.

Read related post :

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Healthy Balanced Diet for Children

Healthy and balanced diet is needed by all people regardless of age, especially for children who are in its infancy. Unhealthy diet high in fat and sugar is still a major cause of malnutrition in children in an era of fast food.

The condition is increasingly on perparah with the fact that children are often left alone to choose food while their parents work so vulnerable to malnutrition. The fact is, poor nutrition can affect the physical growth of children. However, the number of low dietary intake of vitamins and minerals also affect children's learning achievement.

A child with malnutrition is likely to have learning difficulties and his IQ level is also likely to be lower than children who get the intake of essential nutrients. In fact, the problem of poor nutrition can affect your child's learning and intelligence since she was in the womb.

A mother who can not meet the nutritional intake during pregnancy tend to have children with low birth weight. These children not only have trouble learning, but also end up with problems with hearing and vision.

If your child iron deficiency, he may have problems in terms of concentration, irritability, and also has a low concentration. IQ permanent disturbance in later life can also occur as a result of iron deficiency in infants. Moreover, children who are iron deficiency and anemia are also at risk of having problems in vocabulary development as well as having problems in reading and other academic.

Low levels of protein in the diet and often skip breakfast have been identified as a major cause of poor cognitive function in children. The increasing popularity of fast food in children also causes malnutrition in children and adolescents. This food is very low content of vitamins and minerals, but high in fat and sugar (very unhealthy for the body and mind).

Children should eat a variety of nutrients such as protein, complex carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. If your child does not get it through food, give him a special children's multivitamin.

Proper nutrition can help your child excel in learning and improving their learning skills. Make sure that your child's diet includes all necessary nutrients.

See other post :


Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Be bold. Use the <b> </b> tags around some of your keywords on each page. Do NOT use them everywhere the keyword appears. Once or twice is plenty.

Deep linking. Make sure you have links coming in to as many pages as possible. What does it tell a search engine when other web sites are linking to different pages on your site? That you obviously have lots of worthwhile content. What does it tell a search engine that all your links are coming in to the home page? That you have a shallow site of little value, or that your links were generated by automation rather than by the value of your site.

Become a foreigner. Canada and the UK have many directories for websites of companies based in those countries. Can you get a business address in one of those countries?

Social bookmarking. Make it easy for your visitors to social bookmark your website, creating important links that the search engines value. There are plenty of free social bookmarking widgets available. We offer The Bookmarketer

Newsletters. Offer articles to ezine publishers that archive their ezines. The links stay live often for many years in their archives.

First come, first served. If you must have image links in your navigation bar, include also text links. However, make sure the text links show up first in the source code, because search engine robots will follow the first link they find to any particular page. They won’t follow additional links to the same page. You can see this in action at the link to the home page on this web site monitoring page

Multiple domains. If you have several topics that could each support their own website, it might be worth having multiple domains. Why? First, search engines usually list only one page per domain for any given search, and you might warrant two. Second, directories usually accept only home pages, so you can get more directory listings this way. Why not a site dedicated to gumbo pudding pops?

Article exchanges. You’ve heard of link exchanges, useless as they generally are. Article exchanges are like link exchanges, only much more useful. You publish someone else’s article on the history of pudding pops with a link back to their site. They publish your article on the top ten pudding pop flavors in Viet Nam, with a link back to your site. You both have content. You both get high quality links. (More on high quality links in other tips.)

Titles for links. Links can get titles, too. Not only does this help visually impaired surfers know where you are sending them, but some search engines figure this into their relevancy for a page.

Not anchor text. Don’t overdo the anchor text. You don’t want all your inbound links looking the same, because that looks like automation – something Google frowns upon. Use your URL sometimes, your company name other times, “Gumbo Pudding Pop” occasionally, “Get gumbo pudding pops” as well, “Gumbo-flavored pudding pops” some other times, etc.

Site map. A big site needs a site map, which should be linked to from every page on the site. This will help the search engine robots find every page with just two clicks. A small site needs a site map, too. It’s called the navigation bar. See how the second navigation bar at the bottom of Last Minute Florida Villas  is like a mini-site map?

There is a lot more to search engine optimization, and there are always more details when looking at an individual site. But these tips should help any website significantly improve its rankings.

See also other article :


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Food Diet To Lose Weight

Food diet 

If you want to burn more fat without wanting to effortlessly determine the diet plan, counting calories, etc.. Try to put nutritious foods into your diet. There are a few suggestions that we can recommend that will help you in various menu.

Some of our suggestions will help increase your metabolism, helping to make you feel fuller, and food that actually burn fat. If you have a habit of eating junk food, the best way to limit the foods that we recommend replacing these into your diet food list! Then find the benefits to losing weight.

Food Diet To Lose Weight 

Fibrous food

All plant foods, such as for those who successfully lose weight with a diet high in fiber is the inclusion of green vegetables into her diet food menu. For some reason, fiber is very effective to help lower LDL (bad cholesterol). This makes you feel full and eat less. High fiber foods take longer to digest. Increased due to resting metabolism of the body does not digest these foods.

Here's a list to choose from, there is no particular order or priority which is best. You can determine the taste and needs. As a suggestion try to add or increase the amount of your diet all foods.


Apples are so many benefits to your diet. Pectin (one of the substances in apples) makes you feel fuller. This is an effective way to eat less. In addition, pectin actually serves as the absorption of fat. Apples in the morning at breakfast, or try it as a snack during the day is the time to choose.


Avocado is evidence that a diet low in fat does not always have to help you lose weight. Avocados contain over 25 essential nutrients. When you eat avocados you get vitamin B, potassium, vitamin E, and lutein.

Paprika (or other greens) 

Green vegetables (like peppers) has a function speeds up metabolism. In western countries, peppers are often processed into salad interesting and delicious, so we can assume that a healthy diet is not always bland.


Unlike the peppers, broccoli has no other role. Broccoli is a powerful anti-cancer diet, high in calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin A, and vitamin C.

Hopefully this article can be useful to the reader as well.

Related article :


Friday, November 11, 2011

What is Acne

Acne is a skin disorder that mostly attacked the teenagers and young adults. Sufferers often feel uncomfortable and less confident, especially in the weaker sex. Acne is not a skin disorder that is fatal, but the impact will greatly disturb the sufferer, in addition to reducing the beauty of the face, acne is not treated properly will leave some other skin disorders that can arise such as scar (scar tissue; affected skin resembles cut) , macular hyperpigmentation (skin color aberration becomes more black on acne scars or black spots).

Definition of acne :

Acne is a chronic inflammation of the follicle pilosebasea (one of the glands in the skin), caused by several factors with symptoms and signs are typical.

Symptoms and Signs of Acne

1. Type of Acne without the presence of inflammation

Blackheads: the form of black spots that occur on the skin, due to air oxidation process of production pilosebasea gland.
Milia: the form of white spots that occur on the skin, due to blockage of lymph channels pilosebasea (not air on the production pilosebasea gland), often also called closed comedo.

2. Type Acne in the presence of inflammation (accompanied by pain when touched and redness)

Papules: the lightest type of inflammation, in the form of small spots rather prominent on the skin surface.
Pustules: the form of small spots like papules but with pus in these spots. Looks red in the presence of yellow or white in the middle, which is a pus.
Nodules or cysts: papules, nodules are large, very painful. Arise if the contents of blackheads spread to surrounding skin and triggers the immune system that eventually could produce pus. For severe conditions, abnormalities in acne can persist for weeks or even months, which can eventually harden to form a cyst under the skin surface. Both nodules and cysts often cause deep scarring.
Konglobata Acne: Acne is a disorder is rare but serious form of pustules and nodules caused by a severe bacterial infection.

Factors that influence the onset of acne :

1. Food: a lot of fat, may facilitate the onset of acne
2. Season / climate: high humidity and temperature affect the production of sebum / oil.
3. Hygiene: Poor hygiene facilitate the emergence of acne.
4. Infection: the microorganism Propionibacterium acnes plays a role in inflammatory processes and facilitate the occurrence of acne.
5. Cosmetics: the use of cosmetics that are triggering the onset of blackheads can cause acne.
6. Psycho: look if someone was difficult to sleep or to face a tough job, then the acne will arise.
7. Hormonal: if someone has a hormone that tends to be much like the hormone androgen, the acne is more easily arise.


Treatment generally includes: wash face with soap twice a day, do not overdo it; avoid excessive use of cosmetics, avoid eating peanuts, chocolate, oil, butter, etc. (although some studies have found no correlation between diet and the incidence of acne).
For treatment in the form of an ointment or cream has been widely circulated on the market but for the good and correct usage should contact a doctor, for severe cases the doctor will decide whether to be given oral medication also.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Kindle Touch

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Salmonella bacteria

Be careful, when excessive numbers of Salmonella bacteria in your body. Because this type of bacteria can cause life-threatening infection sufferer and when the bacteria are grown to 100,000. Patients with Salmonella infection who have too much fluid can spend his life threatened due to lack of fluids (dehydration) is excessive.

This will be even more dangerous when children or parents with poor immune systems. When you've seen the signs of Salmonella poisoning the patient should be immediately taken to the doctor.

To be able to avoid the spread of this bacterial infection, residual feces, urine or vomit, the patient must be disposed of carefully. Because of where transmission can occur.
While the rest of the food suspected of causing an infection should be immediately discarded and should not be mixed with other foods. Plates, knives and other kitchen tools that touched food suspected to contain Salmonella should be washed with hot or boiling water so that bacteria die.

Salmonella is a bacteria that includes microorganisms that very small and invisible to the eye. In addition, these bacteria do not leave any smell or taste in food. Unless the food (chicken meat) contain Salmonella in bulk, then it changes color and odor (pale pink to greenish, foul-smelling).

Usually the bacteria can be detected through laboratory tests. Salmonella can be found in air, water, soil, waste and animal feces or pet food.

Source of Salmonella bacteria are usually found in poultry (chicken, duck, turkey), pork, marine animals, eggs and milk. Animal foodstuffs most often served as a source of Salmonella infections is poultry. Salmonella infected birds can spread the seeds of bacteria through the meat, eggs either on the skin or the content of the egg.

Meanwhile, in Germany, meat or milk may be said to have been free of Salmonella. But this does not apply to poultry or eggs. Very often it happens is Salmonella poisoning from foods containing raw eggs (not processed), such as mayonnaise, ice cream and pudding.

When foods containing raw eggs are not stored properly (not cooled, it is stored too long or not heated at all) it is probable Salmonella will multiply rapidly. Mayonnaise is usually acidic (pH below 4, Salmonella live in the pH 4-9). In mayonnaise added acetic acid as vinegar. Acetic acid in the mayonnaise will kill Salmonella.

So, keep hygienic kitchen while you cook. When you thaw frozen chicken or meat, discard the water and wrapping. To avoid cross-contamination, wash objects that are exposed to water, such as knives, hands and cutting mat. To follow anitipasi, save chickens and frozen meat that has not been separately from other foodstuffs.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Healthy Diet to Lose Weight

A healthy diet to lose weight the way, namely by eating healthy foods, and assisted with light exercise. A healthy diet, you should not eliminate the meal, breakfast, lunch, and afternoon, is still being done. In the morning, a small piece of bread, oatmeal, is sufficient to support the fiber and nutrients for the body to start the day. A healthy diet to lose weight by eating foods that do not work too contain oils such as fried foods. If you can select the menu for breakfast foods that are high in fiber and orange juice plus munuman. If you like a drink of milk, you should also not select a full cream. Please drink consumption of low fat milk.

For lunch, eat ¼ or ½ servings of rice and vegetables also contain enough carbohydrates. Before eating and after, drink water first, or a piece of fresh fruit. According to research, drinking or eating fruit before eating, will inhibit the absorption of cholesterol into the blood, and would "glut" our stomach so as not to overeat. Eat slowly way. And do not forget to multiply drinking water, many people can not distinguish between thirst and hunger, when thought was hungry (though, actually thirsty), you will consume the food (which actually does not need you consume), how to test it, that drinking a glass of water and wait up to 10 minutes to find out if you are still hungry. If yes then you are really hungry.

Eat your way slowly (Why Americans are more susceptible to obesity than the French? The answer, not only because Americans are eating more, but also because the French people really enjoy their food in every chew, so tend to eat slowly), it This causes the stomach will feel full faster which in turn helped to suppress appetite and eating. For those of you who are unfamiliar, try this trick: Put a spoon or fork while you're chewing, drinking mineral water after each chew, and chew food a few times before swallowing. Use a smaller plate. Do not spend yourself memasakan food presented on a plate, regardless of the number of calories of food and size of these plates. As a workaround, use smaller plates. You'll feel full with less food. One great when most of us have argued that a healthy diet to lose weight applies only to lose weight, it's main diet is to achieve a fit and healthy body. As per the saying "You are What You Eat". If your main goal to lose weight healthy blood money, you will be willing to eat foods that are less good. Compared with good food that is often hidden behind the negative things. Limit carbohydrates.

Dinner, the good done around 5 pm until 7 pm. Fruit or eating foods high in protein, eg fish, is the best dinner option to control body weight. This is because protein makes you full longer. If you want to eat carbs, avoid simple, because it is more likely to be stored as fat rather than used as energy. Water content and high fiber, also contain vitamins and nutrients in fruits and vegetables can help the health and vitality of the body as a whole. Switch from simple carbohydrates to complex carbohydrates. Eat less white bread and white rice, eat more wheat (bread wheat or rice grain). Wheat able to provide long-term energy and provide satiety longer because it has high fiber content. Drink a multivitamin if you feel the nutrients you consume less.

A healthy diet helped you lose weight by exercising good, because for burning calories. Exercise can also increase metabolism. It did not take long and only mild exercise such as climbing stairs 3 × 10 minutes a day is enough to make your body healthy. And do not forget to sleep enough. Lack of sleep can be at high risk of obesity because it makes the body feel hungry. The good sleep about 8 hours a day. Avoid sleeping with a full stomach condition / full, because it can result not good for health.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Google Page Rank Update

Who does not want his google page rank increases up aliases? In this post we will not discuss what is Google PageRank, because I believe bloggers who read this already know all of what's in the name Google PR. Youpz .., back to the title of this post ...

Google PageRank Update How Fast is very easy, bloggers need to do is put these links in blogs or articles / posting friends :

               `1.Blog Haeyki Sirius
   2 Hukmul Islam
   3.Daftar Blog Iqbal
   5.Software Gratis
   6.Indonesian Recipes
   7.Masakan Indonesia
  10.Type YOUR link here
    But remember, before bloggers put the link above, you must remove the participant number 1 from the list. So that all participants gained 1 level. Who was number 2 become number 1, number 3 was 2, and so on. Then insert your own links at the bottom (number 10).
    If each participant can take only 5 people, then the number of backlinks that will be obtained are:

    · When a blogger friend at position 10, the number of backlinks = 1
    · Position 9, Number backlink = 5
    · Position 8, Number backlink = 25
    · Position 7, Number backlink = 125
    · Position 6, Number backlink = 625
    · Position 5, Number backlink = 3.125
    · Position 4, Number backlink = 15.625
    · Position 3, Number backlink = 78.125
    · Position 2, Number backlink = 390.625
    · Position 1, Number backlink = 1,953,125

    And it uses keywords that are bloggers want. In terms of SEO bloggers have gotten 1,953,125 backlinks and side effects if the web visitor clicks on a link bloggers downlines, it also makes your blog will get additional traffic.

    Now, please copy-paste this article, and remove the participant number 1 and add a link blog / website bloggers at position 10. Remember, bloggers need to start from 10th position for maximum results. Because if you've arrived at position 1, then the link you will be lost once someone has entered the top 10

    Auto Blogs Can Hurt You

    Generating huge traffics from auto blog might be very easy. No need to work hard writing any content, the targeted blog can produce hundred and even million pages every day. And usually, those type of blogs have good ranking in the search engines. In terms of monetization, this is so easy to gain dollars from there, especially if you’re with Google Adsense. However, there’s a warning for those who love auto blog. Right now, you should aware that it’s going to be a boomerang. Why?

    As written on Google Adsense blog, the warning tells us that publishers aren’t allowed to use auto blog or even to post unoriginal content anymore. It means that if you still love to violate the terms, you may be banned immediately.

    To see whether I’m telling the truth or not, just check out the details at their official blog.

    Now, you may need to rethink your blog. Are yours violating the terms? If not, then you must be very happy. But if you are, it’s better to wake up soon and prepare yourself to create more useful blog. Good luck and have a nice day!

    Sunday, November 6, 2011

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    System RequirementsNone, because it's wireless and doesn't require a computer.
    On-device Storage8GB internal (approximately 6GB available for user content). That's enough for 80 apps, plus 10 movies or 800 songs or 6,000 books.
    Cloud StorageFree cloud storage for all Amazon content
    Battery LifeUp to 8 hours of continuous reading or 7.5 hours of video playback, with wireless off. Battery life will vary based on wireless usage, such as web browsing and downloading content.
    Charge TimeFully charges in approximately 4 hours via included U.S. power adapter. Also supports charging from your computer via USB.
    Wi-Fi ConnectivitySupports public and private Wi-Fi networks or hotspots that use 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, or enterprise networks with support for WEP, WPA and WPA2 security using password authentication; does not support connecting to ad-hoc (or peer-to-peer) Wi-Fi networks.
    USB PortUSB 2.0 (micro-B connector)
    Audio3.5 mm stereo audio jack, top-mounted stereo speakers.
    Content Formats SupportedKindle (AZW), TXT, PDF, unprotected MOBI, PRC natively, Audible (Audible Enhanced (AA, AAX)), DOC, DOCX, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, non-DRM AAC, MP3, MIDI, OGG, WAV, MP4, VP8.
    DocumentationQuick Start Guide (included in box); Kindle User's Guide (pre-installed on device)
    Warranty and Service1-year limited warranty and service included. Optional 2-year Extended Warranty available for U.S. customers sold separately. Use of Kindle is subject to the terms found here.
    Included in the BoxKindle Fire device, U.S. power adapter (supports 100-240V), and Quick Start Guide.


    Amazon Silk

    Revolutionary Cloud-Accelerated “Split Browser”
    Modern websites are complex. A typical web page requires 80 files served from 13 different domains. This takes a regular browser hundreds of round trips, and adds seconds to page load times.
    Amazon Silk is different in a radical new way. When you use Silk, without thinking about it or doing anything explicit, you’re calling on the computing speed and power of the Amazon Web Services cloud (AWS). We've refactored and rebuilt the browser software stack to push pieces of the computation into the AWS cloud. This lets Silk do more work, more quickly, and all at once. We call this “split browser” architecture.
    Silk browser software resides both on Kindle Fire and on the massive server fleet that comprises the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). With each page request, Silk dynamically determines a division of labor between the mobile hardware and Amazon EC2 (i.e. which browser sub-components run where) that takes into consideration factors like network conditions, page complexity and the location of any cached content.

    Shorter Transit Times

    Amazon EC2 is always connected to the backbone of the Internet where round-trip latency is 5 milliseconds or less to most web sites rather than the 100 milliseconds that’s typical over wireless connections. AWS also has peering relationships with major internet service providers, and many top sites are hosted on EC2. This means that many web requests will never leave the extended infrastructure of AWS, reducing transit times to only a few milliseconds.

    Computing Power in the Cloud

    EC2 servers have massive computational power. On EC2, available CPU, storage, and available memory can be orders of magnitudes larger than on mobile devices. Silk uses the power and speed of the EC2 server fleet to retrieve all of the components of a website simultaneously, and delivers them to Kindle Fire in a single, fast stream. Transferring computing-intensive tasks to EC2 helps to conserve your Kindle Fire battery life.

    Persistent Connections

    A typical web request begins with resolving the domain names associated with the server and establishing a TCP connection to issue the http request. Establishing TCP connections for each request consumes time and resources that slow down traditional browsers. Silk keeps a persistent connection open to the backend server on the AWS cloud so that there is always a connection at the ready to start loading the next page. In addition, the Silk backend server keeps persistent connections open to the top sites on the web. This approach further reduces latency that would otherwise result from constantly establishing connections. Further, the connection between Silk and the backend infrastructure uses a pipelined, multiplexing protocol that can send all the content over a single connection.

    Page Indexes

    Traditional browsers must wait to receive the HTML file in order to begin downloading the other page assets. Silk is different because it learns these page characteristics automatically by aggregating the results of millions of page loads and maintaining this knowledge on EC2. While another browser might still be setting up a connection with the host server, Silk has already pushed content that it knows is associated with the page to Kindle Fire before the site has even instructed the browser where to find it.

    Machine Learning

    Finally, Silk leverages the collaborative filtering techniques and machine learning algorithms Amazon has built over the last 15 years to power features such as “customers who bought this also bought…” As Silk serves up millions of page views every day, it learns more about the individual sites it renders and where users go next. By observing the aggregate traffic patterns on various web sites, it refines its heuristics, allowing for accurate predictions of the next page request. For example, Silk might observe that 85 percent of visitors to a leading news site next click on that site’s top headline. With that knowledge, EC2 and Silk together make intelligent decisions about pre-pushing content to the Kindle Fire. As a result, the next page a Kindle Fire customer is likely to visit will already be available locally in the device cache, enabling instant rendering to the screen.

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    Kindle Fire, Full Color 7" Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi

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