Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Key to Survival

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What do zip-lines, whirlpools and life have in common?

As a young girl, I often went swimming with my friends. We loved to create a whirlpool. Each of us would move the water in one direction until the current was strong enough to move us. Three or four times around the pool - we were good to go. That's how I learned to float. As long as I picked up my feet and relaxed myself from head to toe, I was carried safely with the current. Not as easy as it sounds! After mouths-full of water and being sucked down a few times, I was determined to learn the key to survival. And I did. What was the key to survival? Hold that thought.

Just recently I experienced my first zip-line. The climb was a challenge in itself not because I was moving further from my feet touching ground but because I knew what I needed to do to get back down... jump with a capital 'where's the elevator!'

The attendee gave me two options: jump forward or jump backward. Jump had to be in both choices? Okay, so I chose backward, that way I wouldn't see the ground coming at me. That's when he removed one of the harnesses. "Uh-hello?" That went against the grain of my thinking - about life and death - but I swallowed my pride and gave him the benefit of a doubt. On his count of three, I stepped off. I screamed the whole way down - but SURPRISE! not the way you might expect. "This is awesome!" I yelled. What was the key to survival? Not yet. Hold on to that thought too.

The bills came all at once, the same day my dryer decided it was time to permanently quit half-way through the load. I didn't have a clothes line to hang the clothes. Even so, it was raining. All laundromats were closed. At the same time, my dog decided my daughter's new shoe tasted better than the dog-chews guaranteed dogs would love. According to who? Spills. Overbakes. Headaches. Bellyaches. Out of milk... Time out!

I headed over to the computer to find solace with some friends on Facebook. Blank screen. Why oh why didn't I run that virus scan as I was warned? I decided to just call it a day - a day I'd rather forget no less - and go to bed after spending a few moments in devotions. With words of encouragement soaking into me, I turned out the light and sank into my spot. I finally felt the peace I was seeking all day. That's when my daughter came in and told me she signed up to bring the snack for a school project the next day. But I slept great that night any way. What was the key to survival? I'll let you think on that a little...

(Just for the record - This is about survival in the simpler sense. Sometimes life comes at us really hard and we occasionally may be faced with very serious issues such as illness, injury, death... My future articles will address survival through the storms... but for now, I hope this will help shed light on getting through less serious issues of life.)

Well, finally... here they are - not just one, but three keys to survival when taking on a challenge or event or being challenged by some of life's annoying obstacles:

1. Preparation

Know what you are getting into. From family to home-care to electronics and appliances... from pets to our choices and activities: all come with guaranteed and required responsibility, maintenance and upkeep. If you aren't willing to take on responsibilities before you get involved, ask yourself if it's something you need to be involved with in the first place.

Think about the commitment of time, energy and all resources to see something through from start to finish: one hour, one week, one month or a lifetime. What time-frame will you need? What resources would help you be ready? Are you ready and willing to invest yourself?

If you are ready to take it on, don't let fear stop you before you have a chance to begin! Taking risks or venturing out to try new things doesn't mean your life, your peace or your joy is in jeopardy. Ultimately you have more control than you think. Take small steps but keep moving through your fear rather than away from it. Think about the long-term and whether you can take it on and then step out and do it!

Are there other ways to prepare? Yes! You can prepare by uploading, downloading and just connecting with valuable tools that help and encourage you. These tools also are a source of strength, growth, balance and peace from the inside-out. For me my tools are God's Word, devotions, prayer, fellowship with family and friends, reaching out to help others and rest - not a complete list, but you get the idea. What about you? What tools would you consider to help prepare you?

So, preparation is important after all! Are you prepared to handle the task, the activity or perhaps life's overload that may come at you? If you believe you are, then it's time to move forward!

2. Follow Thru

Once you are on your way, keep focusing, keep thinking positive thoughts and speaking positive words. Imagine yourself where you want to be and what you need to do to get there. Plug in those tools and the positive that will inspire, encourage and motivate your steps.

No matter how small, trivial or difficult it all seems, your response and reaction through the momentum of the experience should be rock solid, faith-filled, focused and yes, soaked with joy instead of yielding to fear, anger, frustration or sorrow. Never focus on the negative side of things or it will be harder for you to realign your thinking where it needs to be - eventually your actions will follow... one way or the other. Don't get sucked into the negative! Expect good results with positive focus

Learn to laugh as you go through experiences. No one always get it right the first time - be patient with yourself. Learning to laugh at ourselves helps to ease the tension and sometimes gives light to how ridiculous the different situations we find ourselves in!

Keep moving forward and stay the course until it is complete... press in and press on with everything you do.... Enjoy the nuggets of gold that come through it.

3. Reflection

When you finally accomplish what you've set out to do, or when you accomplish small goals, be proud of that!

Reflection helps to empower us to keep moving ahead. Here is where you reflect on knowing you can accomplish anything you set out to do if you choose to move forward in faith and trust in the tools and more importantly in the Presence of God Himself. His Word and His promises to you are the ultimate toolbox. He will not only prepare you for such a time, He will follow through with you!

So, back to my initial question "What do zip-lines, whirlpools and life have in common?"

Preparation + Follow Thru + Reflection = Victory!

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