Saturday, September 17, 2011

10 Cheap Tips to a Healthier You

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We're all looking for an easy way to get healthier habits into our lives. With all the product ads promising to slim you down, you wonder what really works. Some of them are outrageously expensive and don't work. We want to be careful on how much we spend. Here are 10 habits everyone should have in their routine to improve their health in multiple ways. Not only will they not cost you a dime but will end up saving you money!

1. Stock fruits and vegetables wherever you go- Most of our food choices are limited to what is around us. We don't have time to go out and grab a bite to eat so we sneak into the break room for that last doughnut. Put a bag of baby carrots in the company fridge for when you need a quick snack. Bring in a bag of apples or a crate of oranges to promote healthier eating in the entire office. This makes it more convenient to eat healthy.

2. Make your own coffee- The biggest reason people go out for coffee is because they don't have time nor the energy to make it when they wake up in the morning. Most coffee pots have a "delay brew" setting so you can set it up the night before and it will be ready when you wake up in the morning. With just a little sugar and milk, you've cut 200 calories from your morning and practically all the fat. That's not all, coffee made at home is about one fourth the cost of coffee from a barista.

3. Have "Your" Day- Work and kids can be demanding. You wonder when you'll get a day off. If you don't take time out for yourself, your waistline could be suffering. Pick one day out of the week that is just about you. The kids can go to a neighbor's house or prepare themselves for school. Hubby can spend it with your rubbing your feet while you eat ice cream or without you on the golf course. That is all up to you because it is your day.

4. Freeze your own TV dinners- If you've ever bought a TV dinner for convenience, you know they are expensive, contain a lot of salt, and don't have a lot of vegetables. Even the ones that call themselves healthy are mostly carbohydrates in smaller portions. For half the cost, make your own and avoid the salt. Add more broccoli to that pasta or make a vegetarian dish. All you need are durable storage bowls that are freezer and microwave safe. When you are ready to eat them, just defrost them over night or put them in the microwave on medium for 3-5 minutes.

5. Cut cable- I swear I will never have cable television again. It was way too easy to turn it on and waste an entire day. With the creation of watching television online, it is much cheaper to pick and choose what to watch on Hulu than to channel surf. You'll find yourself having more time for other things when sitting on the couch in front of a screen is not as easy as using the remote. What will you do with your spare time? Read that book you've been meaning to finish? Go to the gym?

6. Eat less meat- It sounds like something an animal rights person would say, but it works. Meat contains a lot of protein, but also a lot of animal fat. You can get the same amount of protein in beans and leafy greens. Substitute beans for beef in Mexican food. Choose eggplant, nuts, or edamame when making Chinese food. Best of all, eating less meat makes it taste so much better when you have it.

7. Create a "Kids" Day- No, this is not a day when it's all about your kids. This is the day when you act like a kid. Go out and play with your kids to get some exercise. Eat ice cream and watch your favorite shows. When we were young we didn't have a care in the world and relaxation was not a word but a way of life.

8. Mix green tea with your iced tea- Iced tea has always been a staple in the United States whether you take it sweetened or unsweetened. When making iced tea, switch out half of the black tea bags for green tea bags. Green tea has weight loss properties and you can't taste it over the black tea.

9. Dance- Like a maniac. Dancing gets the heart pumping and the brain relaxing. You move every inch of your body when you dance, especially your midsection. Who cares if the neighbor's see when you'll be rocking a tiny bathing suit next summer?

10. Let the children have chores- I cannot stress this enough to parents. If you are not giving your children chores, you are missing out on an easy responsibility lesson and probably running yourself ragged. A four year old can make their bed and put their toys away. An eight year old can do his own laundry. Giving children chores takes a big strain off of you and leaves you more time for relaxation. This in turn helps us make small but healthier decisions.

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